When tamariki/ students connect with their place and its people, and then plan, design and take action, they are creating change.
Through this empowering experience, they will become life-long change-makers. The collective exploration is based in the concept of ako, where all participants are simultaneously learners and teachers, and everybody learns from each other. It is a process of co-creation between people and all of the elements and energies around us. Caring for our place and the whole planet becomes a living curriculum where skills and competencies are gained through experience and mahi within meaningful community settings.
In the following stories you can see how Enviroschools participants are learning with their heads, hands and hearts – connecting with nature, exploring indigenous wisdoms, forming relationships with tangata whenua, collaborating with people in their diverse communities, and finding out about their own qualities and passions. Learning and action in Enviroschools does not just have environmental outcomes but social, cultural and economic benefits too.