Featured Stories
Propagation Shed Project Grows
Students at Wakefield School in Tasman had the idea to make a propagation shed for growing the trees needed for their bird cafe. They want to encourage the native birds to feed on the trees and for lizards to come to the school and feel safe in this natural environment.
Motupipi River Catchment Project is a Golden Opportunity for local High School students.
The Motupipi catchment drains an area of approximately 2855 hectares in the lower Takaka Valley of Golden Bay. A whole catchment and community initiative is being implemented to remove weeds (in particular crack willow), fence off the waterways and plant edges. Golden Bay High School students have got stuck in, boots and all, in this collaborative project that aims to address water quality issues.
Me in My Environment activities help build awareness and sensitivity to nature.
An alternative to the usual Tasman Mission event was hosted by Enviroschools Tasman to provide an opportunity to experience some of the activities from the Enviroschools resources and build awareness of these and the “natural resources” that each school has available for learning in their local environment.
Day of inspiration for Tasman's Envirogroups and Lead Teachers showcases Ngatimoti School
It’s cool to be an Enviroschool! Enviroschools Tasman facilitators held a professional development day for their network hosted by Ngatimoti School in May 2021. The programme provided learning and development for teachers and students, with strong leadership shown by the host students in sharing their knowledge and stories.
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Mohua students learn from Marine Maestro
The Marine Maestro - Richard de Hamel visited several Mohua (Golden Bay) Enviroschools in July 2024 as part of experiential learning opportunities offered during Matariki. Te Tai o Aorere -...
Tasman and Nelson Caretakers Come Together
In Term 4, 2022 a group of caretakers from Nelson and Tasman schools came together for a hui at Birchwood School, Stoke. Thanks to Camilla and Karen for hosting us...
Composting toilet a relief for Ngahere experience at Harakeke
Fridays at Harakeke Preschool are spent in our ngahere, approximately 2 acres of native bush where tamariki experience our nature programme. Unfortunately, we had...
Harakeke Preschool Green -Gold eco-treasure hunt
Harakeke Preschool is situated in Upper Moutere, Tasman, at the site of an old Flax mill on a couple of hectares of mostly flat land. The property comprises the owner’s...