Hinepūtehue - Qualities of the gourd, restoring peace, calm and healing with its soothing tones and musical qualities

Ka mihi ki a Ranginui, ki a Papatūānuku, ka mihi ki te ngao o te wheiao.

Enviroschools is a nationwide programme supported by Toimata Foundation and a large network of regional partners. Early childhood centres and schools commit to a long-term sustainability journey, where tamariki/students connect with and explore the environment, then plan, design and take action in their local places in collaboration with their communities.


Our Kaupapa

The Enviroschools kaupapa is about creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together.

Our kaupapa guides all that we do and is embodied in five Guiding Principles that underpin the whole Enviroschools journey: 

  • Empowered Learners participate in genuine ways in their community. Their unique creativity, perspectives and questions are valued and honoured. They feel connected to the whenua and support each other as a learning community to create meaningful change and hopeful action.  
  • Learning for Sustainability is a holistic, action and future-focused approach to learning, that engages our whole selves and addresses all aspects of our local and global environment.
  • Te Ao Māori holds insights, knowledge and ways of being in relation to the taiao. Honouring this acknowledges the intrinsic relationship of tangata whenua with this land. When we are envisioning and taking action for a sustainable future in our community, we are guided by the history, knowledge, tikanga, traditions and aspirations of local hapū.
  • Respect for Diversity is celebrated, and all forms of identity and ability are respected to foster a society that is fair, peaceful and cooperative. Cultural traditions and practices from all people are experienced, valued and appreciated in learning spaces, honouring practices led by that community. Access to safe and engaging learning is available to everyone.
  • Sustainable Communities act in ways that nurture all aspects of nature, including people, now and in the future. By working together and supporting each other we create safe, healthy, equitable and thriving communities. 


The Enviroschools Approach

Every early childhood centre and school across the country is unique, with its own ecology, history, culture and community – so Enviroschools looks different in every setting. The journey of connecting with the place and its people is designed and led by each school or centre.  There are some key steps, or processes that many centres and schools have found valuable to undertake, as outlined in the diagram below. Experience has shown that the components of the Enviroschools process are not linear – they overlap, are revisited, modified and further developed, supporting schools and centres to develop their own holistic approach that deepens over time.

Exploring the Kaupapa

A great way to start your Enviroschools journey is for school and early childhood centre staff to explore the Enviroschools Programme in depth, celebrate where they’re at, and plan their process going forward.

Facilitator support

Enviroschools facilitators support the whole school/centre journey, assisting teachers, caretakers, school management and community members to integrate sustainability and Environmental Education into their roles including classroom learning, planning, policies and Enviroschools projects.


The Envirogroup gives voice to student ideas and ensures that decisions are made in a participatory way and is made up of students, staff and community members.

Experiencing the environment

The Enviroschools Kit and Theme Areas offer activities and tools to support students’ sensory immersion in the environment, increasing their awareness of the world they are a part of.

Taking Action

A range of Enviroschools tools support students to collaboratively plan, design and take action on the issues that they are passionate about.


Whānau, Iwi and community

Connecting with tangata whenua, local organisations and whānau strengthens understanding of Māori values and enriches the learning and action process for young people.

Policies, strategies and care codes

Integrating sustainability and the Enviroschools kaupapa into strategies enables a whole school / centre approach.

Vision map

Is a visual representation of the aspirations, qualities and projects agreed by the whole school/ centre. It is displayed in a public place and guides the Enviroschools journey over time.

The Action Learning Cycle

Guides the whole school journey and individual projects. It enables children and young people to be empowered to investigate, explore ideas, make decisions, take action and reflect on the changes they have created.

Reflection and Celebration

Reflecting on the process, achievements and learning gives opportunity to deepen learning and celebrate the whole collaborative process along the journey.

  • Exploring the Kaupapa

    A great way to start your Enviroschools journey is for school and early childhood centre staff to explore the Enviroschools Programme in depth, celebrate where they’re at, and plan their process going forward.

  • Facilitator support

    Enviroschools facilitators support the whole school/centre journey, assisting teachers, caretakers, school management and community members to integrate sustainability and Environmental Education into their roles including classroom learning, planning, policies and Enviroschools projects.

  • Envirogroup

    The Envirogroup gives voice to student ideas and ensures that decisions are made in a participatory way and is made up of students, staff and community members.

  • Experiencing the environment

    The Enviroschools Kit and Theme Areas offer activities and tools to support students’ sensory immersion in the environment, increasing their awareness of the world they are a part of.

  • Taking Action

    A range of Enviroschools tools support students to collaboratively plan, design and take action on the issues that they are passionate about.


  • Whānau, Iwi and community

    Connecting with tangata whenua, local organisations and whānau strengthens understanding of Māori values and enriches the learning and action process for young people.

  • Policies, strategies and care codes

    Integrating sustainability and the Enviroschools kaupapa into strategies enables a whole school / centre approach.

  • Vision map

    Is a visual representation of the aspirations, qualities and projects agreed by the whole school/ centre. It is displayed in a public place and guides the Enviroschools journey over time.

  • The Action Learning Cycle

    Guides the whole school journey and individual projects. It enables children and young people to be empowered to investigate, explore ideas, make decisions, take action and reflect on the changes they have created.

  • Reflection and Celebration

    Reflecting on the process, achievements and learning gives opportunity to deepen learning and celebrate the whole collaborative process along the journey.

Enviroschools Support Structure

The vision of creating healthy, peaceful more sustainable communities involves bringing together many different skills, perspectives and resources. Building and maintaining a collaborative support network has been essential to the development of Enviroschools. The Enviroschools support model has multiple levels of collaborators, each playing different roles.

We mihi to the hundreds of organisations and our partners that have woven their contributions over 20 years, into the vibrant and resilient support model we now have.

Wider Community

Local business, community organisations and individuals

Schools and Centres

1,118 Schools (46%)

507 ECE (15%)

Regional Implementation Network

132 Facilitators

15 Regional Coordinators

National Hub

14 National Team members

Foundational partnership
Toimata & Te Mauri Tau


National Hub

Toimata Foundation is a charitable trust focused on creative sustainability and working closely with founding partner Te Mauri  Tau for over two decades.  Our programmes are collaborative, empowering and action-focused.   Our two kaupapa are Te Aho Tū Roa and Enviroschools.

For Enviroschools,  Toimata  holds overall programme development,  spearheading innovation and direction for Enviroschools nationwide and providing Enviroschools resources, facilitator training, mentoring and professional development.

Regional Implementation network

A strong network of regional partners bring skills and on the ground support enabling the implementation of the Enviroschools programme. They support Regional Coordination and facilitation. An Enviroschools Regional Coordinator directs the programme regionally and supports a team of Enviroschools Facilitators who work with schools and centres.

Schools and centres

Contribute staff time, project costs and capital investments to their Enviroschools journey – enabling staff professional development, student-led projects, policies that promote sustainability and using Enviroschools as a holistic context for the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Whåriki.

The wider community

Plays a key role in the Enviroschool’s journey. There is substantial support from local businesses, community organisations and individuals providing donated goods, volunteer time, advice and expertise. This helps schools and centres implement practical projects and fully develop their sustainability plans and visions.


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Collaboration, networking and sharing all provide knowledge and inspiration about Enviroschools in New Zealand.
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