Featured Stories
Whole School Approach at Maheno
Maheno School has grown from strength to strength as they have developed their Enviroschools programme from a small group to a whole school approach. The staff, Board of Trustees, Home and School committee, community and whanau have all helped to ensure the success of this programme through enthusiasm, energy, engagement and support for resourcing.
Building blows away Board - embracing ecological building principles
This story starts after an engaging Ecological Building hui in Otago that led to student directed planning and action towards a small ecological building! Enviroschools Facilitator, Tess Mackay, tracks the progress of Warrington School, their engagement with local experts and the process of observing, measuring, exploration, planning, testing, design, and building.
Waste that goes on camp, doesn't stay on camp
Going on camp is an important part of the learning programme at Shotover school. It was important for the students to think about their impact on camp and together they came up with strategies to reduce waste and raise awareness (through audits) of ways they could improve.
Empowered Enviroschools students share the aroha and kaupapa with their communities
Empowered students and sustainable communities are two of the guiding principles of the Enviroschools programme kaupapa and on Sunday May 7th students from Waitaki Boys and Girls High Schools showed how these principles can inspire and be translated into powerful action.
Regional Enviroschools Map
Latest News & Events
Clutha Students’ Hui Builds more than Knowledge
A teacher at the recent Ecological Building student Hui captures some of the activity, fun and engagement from students attending from 5 Clutha District schools. This workshop was one of...
Exploring cob, earth bricks, wattle and daub and rammed earth building
Learning how to create sturdy and even mud bricks was just one of the lessons Central Otago students took back to school after participating in Ecological Building hui. Central Otago...
A collective youth voice
The 2024 Otago secondary schools hui "YOUR VOICE!" involving 9 schools and 40 students, focused on turning environmental ideas into action in schools and the wider communities. The whakatauki for...
Buildings come from Nature and return to Nature: Dunedin Ecological Building Hui
Learning to build with Earth In March 2023 the Enviroschools Otago facilitation team were invited to a workshop on Natural Building Materials and Techniques in Tīrau, Cromwell. Led by Delia...
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Regional Partners
Central Otago District Council
Central Otago REAP
Clutha District Council
Dunedin City Council
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Waitaki District Council
Wanaka Wastebusters
Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens
Regional Collaborators
City Sanctuary
Cook Brothers Construction
EBANZ - Earth Building Association of New Zealand
Haehaeata Natural Heritage Trust
NOSLAM - North Otago Sustainable Land Management
NZ Landcare Trust
Otago Catchment Community
Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group
Pomahaka Watercare Group
South Otago Catchment Group
Southern Lakes Sanctuary
Taste Nature
University Of Otago
WAI Wānaka
Waitaki Whitestone Geopark
Wakatipu Reforestation Trust
Whakatipu Wildlife Trust