Featured Stories
Ākonga step up to steep project at Ōakura School
Construction of steps and seating in a patch of bush next to their school has provided opportunities for a group of ākonga to aim high, and, by perseverance, they have overcome challenges and completed a project that provides access and enjoyment to others. Watch their video here.
Worm farms and swap stations help grow a sustainable community
Opunake Communities Kindergarten made the most of an Earthwise Action Fund in 2021 by working with others to provide worm farms and plant/produce swap stations for their small town. This is a great example of how tamariki can influence the wider community. Read more here.
Latest News & Events
Celebrating outstanding Environmental Action in Taranaki
Each year Taranaki Regional Council recognises and celebrates outstanding mahi and initiatives that aim to help protect and enhance the region's environment under 7 categories including youth leadership and environmental...
2023 Taranaki Youth Environmental Leader
Taranaki Regional Council recently celebrated the leadership and contribution of some amazing youth from the region. Amber Cayley and Arabella Barber are the joint winners of the Youth Environmental Leader...