Urutengangana: The first-born of Rangi and Papa, associated with the stars, and known for qualities of leadership.
Back in 2018 when Waitaki Council agreed to fund the local facilitation of the Enviroschools Programme, more Waitaki Schools wanted to join than the Council had capacity for!
Schools were asked to submit an expression of interest and selection was based on a number of criteria including having the Early Childhood Sector, Primary, Intermediate and Secondary schools represented as well as schools from across the Waitaki District.
One of the lucky schools accepted was Waitaki Girls’ High School. Waitaki Girls’ now has a rapidly-growing Envirogroup, with over 30 active members.
The school’s Enviroschools co-captain Breanna Greaney and supporting teacher Jessica Wright recently met with Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher to discuss the work that the Envirogroup was doing, and in turn, what work the Council was doing to mitigate the impacts of environmental degradation in Aotearoa.
They also talked about the role the school could play in supporting the council.
Mr Kircher was impressed with the long list of projects that the Envirogroup has undertaken and collaborated with other schools on, which include a beach clean-up, tree planting, waste reduction at schools, and lessening their plastic consumption by making their own beeswax food wraps.
Waitaki Girls’ Envirogroup are an enthusiastic group who are embracing the resources they now have from the Enviroschools Programme.
By developing their own environmental projects and encouraging their local Council to support their efforts, it is clear that they are committed to making an impact and raising awareness around sustainability.