2019 Tasman Mission

| By CJ Webster - Tasman Enviroschools Regional Coordinator

Hinemoana: Qualities of the female, nurturing elements of the sea.

Pirates presenting oils spills?? Have they stolen the harbour masters flash new boat too? What is going on here?

In May this year, Tasman District Council ran an inspiring event named Tasman Mission at the Whenua Iti Outdoors base site.

We brought together eighteen agencies and individuals with 120 students from fifteen different Tasman Schools – what did we get? Chaos? Not at all – we got a fantastic time filled with learning and fun!

During the event, Envirogroups were set the challenge of earning points for team work and task completion by visiting a variety of action stations. They were engaged in learning, problem-solving and answering questions at different stations for two and a half busy, busy hours.

There were fun activities like “Who did that poo”? run by NMIT trainee rangers, a Forest & Bird predator egg-stealing game, an oil spill management activity from the Coast Guard, and activities run by Motueka High School’s Enviro Group.

Each Envirogroup’s score was worked out while they ate lunch and played a bingo game while meeting all the other Envirogroups.

The Tasman Mission attracted a wide range of support and providers, such as Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (trainee rangers), Nelson Museum, Landcare Trust, and Motueka High School (Enviro-leaders group).

We are excited for what next year’s event will bring!

Come on in, get heated up and experience what climate change is like.

Whose poo is this? Cat, possum or hedgehog?? NMIT trainee rangers hosted one of the most popular stations.