News and Events

Aotearoa Climate Education Coalition

August 28, 2023

The Aotearoa Climate Education Coalition (ACEC) is a collaboration of individuals and networks who work in sustainability and climate education as educators, researchers, academics, providers of professional development, and community education and action.

This group is drawn together around common goals and a shared vision to advance and support education that prioritises the long-term wellbeing of people and the planet.

The why

All New Zealanders need access to education that builds understanding and awareness of climate change causes and impacts, and empowers and inspires individual and collective action, behaviour change, and system changes. Effective climate education supports us to challenge and evolve the way we do things across all aspects of our lives.

There is a lot of research, knowledge and experience about climate change education that is held by those working in the formal education sector.  The coalition is committed to ensuring that this knowledge is shared with government, business and community groups and the individuals that they work and connect with.

Urgent Call for Action

“We need a system-wide intergenerational approach to education which informs, enables and empowers our people to live regeneratively with nature, in a low-emissions society.  All learners, educators, and communities need access to the diverse knowledge, values and perspectives, capabilities, and resources they need to live well in a climate-changing, low-emissions Aotearoa New Zealand.” – opening to ACEA Position Statement

The Coalition has developed a position paper “Transformative education for a climate-changing Aotearoa New Zealand” – to advance and support education that prioritises the long-term wellbeing of people and the planet. You can read this “call for action” and find out more about ACEA here.

Toimata Foundation supports Aotearoa Climate Education Coalition and continues to contribute to this collective and the wider conversation around commitment to co-creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and action in our country.