What do we know about toilets already?

Exploring the concept of a toilet in the bush.
Fridays at Harakeke Preschool are spent in our ngahere, approximately 2 acres of native bush where tamariki experience our nature programme.
Unfortunately, we had to use the toilet back inside the Harakeke preschool building, which always interrupted the full-day bush experience. With the help of the Earthwise Action Fund, we were able to build a compost toilet in the bush.
We helped the older children brainstorm the idea of a compost toilet, shared knowledge and had a look at an existing toilet using the same bucket system.

Creative designs.

Models nestled into the landscape.
We learned about the concept of “humanure”, which some of our children were familiar with from home.
The children made design sketches of ‘our’ toilet and engaged in the building process. They built a model to start with and then helped with the actual building.
We documented the whole process with a display in the foyer, educating the whole Harakeke whānau along the way.
by Gundula Montag-Ruebsam (Head Teacher)

Careful cutting with tin snips.

Building inspectors.

The finished toilet ready for action.

Well sited. What a great small building, designed with thoughtfulness.