News and Events

Empowerment at Elsie Street

November 8, 2021

Elsie Street Kindergarten in Gore, successfully reflected at Enviroschools Bronze level recently. Nicki Knapp, the lead Enviroschools kaiako, and her colleagues, have worked hard to implement many different environmental learning experiences for their tamariki. Ngā mihi, all those who contributed.

“Here at Elsie Street Kindergarten, we empower tamariki to be kaitiaki of their environment. They are taking ownership and responsibility for their place by planting, weeding and harvesting produce that is then shared with whānau, taking care of the worm farm, and sorting out food scraps. We are learning about sustainability through reusing and recycling and making conscious choices about our resources. We have a growing connection with Papatūānuku, and this is enhanced through our Taiao Tuhura Nature Discovery programme at Dolamore Park where children can spend unhurried time in nature.”  – the statement Elsie Street Kindergarten made of their learning and action towards Bronze


“We have an established nature discovery programme called ‘Nui Ferns’ that is well supported by our community, parents and whanau and our tamariki absolutely love it. Each Tuesday our ten oldest tamariki make their way out to Dolamore Park for a morning filled with fun, laughter, challenges and exploration in nature. All our tamariki are given the opportunity to be a part of this amazing learning experience.” – from Southland Kindergarten Association website