News and Events

Growing Great Facilitators

June 20, 2024

One of the first steps on the professional development pathway offered to our new and developing Enviroschools facilitators is an “Introduction to Enviroschools” hui. One of these 3-day gatherings was held in late May 2024 at the ‘Home of Compassion’ in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, to meet the needs of a group of new facilitators and regional coordinators.

Hearing local stories.

The purpose of this hui is for facilitators to have the opportunity to explore the Enviroschools kaupapa, our resources, processes and tools and then find connections with the New Zealand Curriculum. The role of an Enviroschools Facilitator was considered and attendees were supported to deepen their knowledge of facilitation techniques through experiencing a variety of strategies, tools and diverse ways of working.

“[This was] so different to what one would expect when coming to these things – more natural, more supportive, more chances to be outside.” – feedback from participant


The National Facilitator Support team designed the programme to engage people through head, heart and hands. The hui began with a hikoi around the local environment, integrating nature awareness activities and hearing local stories. This helped participants connect to the place they were staying for the 3 days. From these experiences a base map of the current situation was created. Layers of information were added as participants undertook activities from the Enviroschools Kit such as ‘word hunt’, ‘special places’, and explored ngā Atua over the duration of the hui.


Considering the links with New Zealand Curriculum.

The role and attributes of an Enviroschools facilitator.


“Such a diverse range of activities; active, inside, outside, group, individual.” – feedback from participant

Arihia Latham, Kaikōkiri Māori Advisor for Enviroschools, ran a series of rich sessions exploring aspects of Te Ao Māori, unpacking the differences between karakia, pepeha and mihi, exploring whakapapa and facilitating kōrero about the importance of connecting with and being guided by local hapū.

“I gained insight regarding our role as tangata tiriti in presenting te ao Māori concepts and resources” was a comment from one participant about exploring aspects of te ao Māori, and another said, “Atua stories – different for different areas – if unsure, ask mana whenua.”

One of the great things that happen through living and learning together over the 3 days is the development of relationships between participating Facilitators and Regional Co-ordinators from across the motu. It is hoped that this group will continue to collaborate and support each other as they grow their practise.

“It was great to meet a group of wāhine who I could connect with on many levels and who I feel supported by and able to call on if needed” – feedback from participant

Unpacking resources.

Making connections and building relationships.









“Ngā mihi nui for a training that helped to connect me more deeply to the Enviroschools Kaupapa, understand the whakapapa better and be able to mine the resources for taonga.” – feedback from participant