Hikurangi School is a small rural kura north of Whangarei in Northland. This year they have been learning about the many species of fresh water fish, and their research led them to discover the incredibly unique mudfish (waikaka) struggling to survive in their own Hikurangi backyard.
They have created a petition to parliament to protect the ‘at risk’ native mudfish.
This petition is the culmination of their year’s work – the year7/8 students have researched and spoken to experts and in doing so have found out more about the taonga which is the mudfish and so important to their iwi in the past. The class is determined to make a difference so we are taking this petition to Parliament in November.
To read more about their fabulous mahi, and to sign the petition click here.
DOC also has an interesting factsheet, providing useful facts and outlining what you can do to help their survival.