At the heart of the Enviroschools Kaupapa is the Guiding Principle empowered students, so what better way to foster this than have them come together to share their fantastic mahi with each other. On 23 May 2023, 24 Enviro-leaders and six kaiako/tumuaki from six kura across the Waimakariri region gathered together at Tihiraki North Loburn School.
This hui gave these Enviro-leaders an opportunity to have their voice heard, share the mahi they have been part of, connect with other inspiring Enviro-leaders in the rohe/region, learn more about Enviroschools Kaupapa and explore ways to take collective action.
Tihiraki North Loburn School students led us on a tour of some of their place, showing what was important to them. This included a recently formed bike track, the creation of a predator trap library, and a well-used recycling trailer. The students told visitors about the “golden gumboot” award for students/kaiako/classrooms that met the sustainable goals for the week.
West Eyreton students showed a poster of their school’s enviro projects, confidently sharing their process of developing a worm farm, raising seedlings, and creating unique clay tiles for their soon-to-be-constructed entryway.
Inspired by all this sustainability mahi and connecting to nature in such a fun way, the Enviro-leaders went away buzzing with more ideas to bring forth to their kura!