Enviroschools Marlborough and Junior Landcare joined up again in term 4, 2024 to provide an opportunity for rangatahi to learn about scientific survey methods and understand the local biodiversity in a Bioblitz at Grovetown Lagoon.
While wild areas are often rich in biodiversity, we can easily overlook the variety of species that surround us in easy-to-access, local spaces including the school playing field. Did you know that New Zealand has 2000 species of spiders, and you are likely to find one million spiders in one hectare of paddock land?
Angela, Wendy (NZ Landcare), Rosanne and Justine (Wetland Warriors) welcomed rangatahi from Queen Charlotte College and Seddon School into one of the earliest restoration sites at the Grovetown Lagoon behind the Wairau Rowing Club. They arrived full of excitement about uncovering what called the lagoon home. To settle into the environment, Wendy led the rangatahi in a quiet reflection noticing 5 things, hearing 4 things and feeling 3 things in the beautiful landscape surrounding them.
Armed with a bag containing magnifying glasses, collection containers, identification books and recording sheets, groups of ākonga explored different designated areas. Using the Seek app they were able to quickly identify plants, insects, and fungi within their 1 m square survey area before widening their search to explore more of the lagoon landscape.