Local Connections

Encouraging each other to grow your own food.
The Blue Planet group at Rangiora High School wanted to have an Enviro Expo at their school to empower students to engage in environmental action and to increase their awareness of local environmental groups.
Together with Siobhán, their Enviroschools facilitator, they designed an interactive expo with many community groups showcasing their amazing mahi, supported by staff from the Waimakariri District Council, Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust, Eco Educate, Environment Canterbury rangers, Ashley Rakahuri River Care Group, Waimakariri District Youth Council and more. Over 200 students connected with and explored the stalls.
A full and diverse offering

Richard Chambers and Judith Hughey at their Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare Group stall.
Oliver Kelly (Waimakariri District Council (WDC) Youth Council, Rangiora High Student) and Emily Belton (Youth Development Officer, WDC) – demonstrating a youth-led rubbish clean up event along the Ashley-Rakahuri River – sign-up sheet to be involved in future action!
Kate Steel (Biodiversity Ecologist, WDC), Lucy Barltrop (Freshwater Ecologist, Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust), Siobhán Culhane (Waimakariri Enviroschools Facilitator, Environment Canterbury) – learning about freshwater invertebrates, mahi that they could be involved in with WBT and using iNaturalist app
Judith Hughey (Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare Group) and Richard Chambers (Pest Free Waimakariri ranger from WDC) shared their knowledge and passion for braided river birds, predator threats and encouraged participants to sign up to see a wrybill nest.
Matt Hunt & Brad Smith (Regional Park Rangers – Environment Canterbury) highlighting the ecological restoration efforts around the Canterbury Regional Parks

Simoné creating take-home seedlings at their “Grow your own Food” stall.
Dan Cameron (Waimakariri Irrigation Ltd) shared their vision to re-establish functional indigenous ecosystems within productive landscapes, encourage eco-sourcing of seeds, seedlings, establish native plant nurseries, and to maintain the Waimakariri water race scheme
Lesley Ottey (Eco Educate) wasted no time in talking about ‘What not to flush’, ‘Yes, the Poo talk’, and share correct recycling information
Other stations were held by Student Volunteer Army (two volunteers), Rangiora High Blue Planet Group with their Grow your own food stall and a Rangiora High student displaying the living organisms within soil under microscope.
Let’s do this again!
Buoyed by the success and enthusiasm for the Expo from students and collaborators the Blue Planet group are now looking at the opportunites for running something similar in 2025. Watch this space!

Students interacting with Enviro Expo stalls.