Featured Stories
Enviroschools is not an add-on – leading an integrated approach
Barrytown School principal, Rachael Whyte shares her initial impressions of Enviroschools and how a pause and community consultation led to shared ownership of school values (TĀIKO) and meaningful local curriculum. After telling her new facilitator about this journey she has since giving a presentation at a cluster meeting for teachers interested in developing local curriculum.
KAS takes action for kai
Having access to great kai just got easier at Karamea Area School with the installation of a potting shed and re-invigoration and planting of the gardens. The whole school contributed to the mahi (and lots of planning) that will hopefully reap rewards in the near future.
Latest News & Events
Mānawatia a Matariki: marking celebration with action
To celebrate Matariki, Enviroschools Te Tai Poutini teamed up with Conservation Volunteers NZ and planted nearly 200 trees at the He Rā Rākau Tītapu Coronation Planting project site near Deverys...
Tunnel house helps vision towards Hokitika School’s natural spaces.
An Earthwise fund has helped the Hokitika School community to construct a tunnel house that will be utilised for a range of growing projects including native seedlings for helping regenerate...
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