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Just Transitions guide for communities

August 24, 2023

A guide to just transitions for communities in Aotearoa New Zealand | He puka arataki whakawhitinga tikamō ngā hapori i Aotearoa.

A new guide has recently been released to help communities and organisations run their own just transition processes in response to challenges like climate change, rapid technological change, employment changes in regions and the transition to renewable energy.

This resource supports an invitation for communities to develop positive visions for change, transform unfair systems, draw on diverse strengths and worldviews, and come together to solve problems in ways that work better for everyone. This guide has 5 chapters to help you work with others to support just transitions.

“This guide will help you and the people you work with to develop the vision and leadership to address the challenges and disruptions Aotearoa New Zealand faces. They may be global, local, sudden, unprecedented or anticipated. They include rapid technological change, geopolitical instability, climate change and other significant environmental and social shifts.” – from guide introduction.

The guide was commissioned by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and developed by a team of over 25 contributors led by Motu Research.

As part of the launch Motu have run a webinar to unpack the guide

Here is a recording of the seminar.

See the PowerPoint presentation slides.

Toimata was approached to contribute, and we participated in online workshops to give feedback and provided a case study. Our original case study was more informative, but they only wanted really short articles. You can read the case study originally submitted by Toimata  here: Toimata case study_Just Transitions full