Pathways for Secondary School Engagement Zui3: Secondary Envirogroups
Our Enviroschools National Facilitator support team has been busy this year providing a range of learning experiences for our facilitator network. This has included a series supporting effective practice in the secondary sector.
The series has been made up of 3 well attended zoom events and culminated in one looking at the role of Envirogroups and drawing on the experience of both rangatahi and facilitators.
Due to the interest in sharing this with student groups around the motu we are pleased to be able to provide a recording of this event using the Access Passcode: vL?9D^69 and the accompanying slideshow.2021_ES_National_Secondary sharing zui3_Envirogroups
The programme included contributions from Mikayla Robson – student leader Long Bay College, Nicky Elmore – Tāmaki Makaurau Sustainable Schools Team, Waiheke High School students Ruby Ross-Hayes and Rebecca Campbell via a pre-recorded video (see below), Cate Jessep – Tāmaki Makaurau Sustainable Schools Team, Stevie Shipman – ex student leader Kāpiti College, Jennie Upton – Ōtepoti /Dunedin Facilitator (via Gill, the convenor).
As part of the zui, participants were encouraged to share what they were hearing from contributors about enablers to effective engagement. Here is the list collated. 2021_ES_National_Enablers to effective Envirogroup engagement at Secondary level
Feedback for these young people, their colleagues, teachers and facilitators was fulsome!
Tori Christie said, “I mihi to Mikayla for her passion, leadership & willingness to share! Thank you!.”
“Thankyou for sharing with us Mikayla. You and your group are incredibly inspiring,” commented Liz Peterson
Lucy Francke said “Thanks so much to everyone who has shared. I can’t wait to share what I have learned today from you with our high schools here in Central Otago.”
Enviroschools National Manager, Esther Kirk said, ” This is very inspiring Stevie – such amazing structure and embedding in all areas of school life. It’s so neat to see Nicola in the photos (as a past ES facilitator). What an amazing wāhine, and also Amanda is a shining light – you’re right! Good luck with the rest of your year, ngā mihi for sharing!
Liz Peterson : Stevie, your energy and enthusiasm is incredible. I have learnt so much from listening to you today. Ngā mihi
Jen Rodgers : Thanks Gill for pulling this together! Incredible stories! Thanks to all the speakers- loved hearing rangitahi voice.
After the event Stevie shared her thoughts about being involved.
“It was awesome to sit in on the zui, yes. I have taken away so much and further reconnected with my why and with the green community. Lots to mirimiri into my lifestyle.” – Stevie Shipman
Video clip: Waiheke High School Environmental Group
Banner photo: Kāpiti College Envirogroup celebrate their Silver/Ponga Holistic Reflection.