Katie Higgins, National Early Childhood Coordinator introducing the wātaka for the day
Senior Teachers from Kindergarten Associations came together in May in Auckland to explore the Enviroschools kaupapa and resources.
For many, this was their first in-depth exploration of the Enviroschools resources and was a great opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the Programme.
Loved the facilitation of the day. Great mix of resource sharing & strategies for practical application specific to my Senior Teacher role.

Senior Teachers discussing strategies they can use in their role to support Enviroschools in their Association/Organisation
The workshop explored the specific role Senior Teachers play in supporting Enviroschools within their Kindergarten Association/Organisation, and how Enviroschools resources and kaupapa can support practices and expectations already in place in kindergartens and centres.
As a result of attending this hui I’d like to go through the resources and identify ones that connect to the work of the Enviroschools kindergartens so that I can travel alongside them on their journey
Kindergarten Association Senior Teachers play an essential role in coordinating and supporting the Enviroschools Programme in their Early Childhood Centres. The feedback and evaluation from the hui informed us that the day was a valuable way for people to connect with others in similar roles within Kindergarten Associations, and provided a great opportunity to connect with the kaupapa and suite of resources.
Due to the success of this workshop we will create an opportunity for another Senior Teacher workshop at the beginning of 2020.