Featured Stories
Pūrākau come alive at Nayland Kindergarten
This story showcases how kaiako learning about local pūrākau (stories), waiata (songs), histories and tikanga (values and practices) has been translated back into the kindergarten context and enriched children’s learning experiences across many parts of the curriculum.
Why did the penguins come to live at Sue's house?
When a little blue penguin chose to move in beneath teacher Sue’s house, her students started a learning journey about the habitat and plight of this native bird. Find out more about this enquiry that led to ecological building construction on a small scale.
Latest News & Events
Making sustainability part of everyday curriculum at Birchwood School
Birchwood has recently held a bike blender lunch hour for their reflection and a waste-free Wednesday lunch celebration. They have spent time reflecting on how the Enviroschools Guiding Principles enrich...
Enviroschools Rangatahi from Te Tau Ihu head to Abel Tasman National Park for a Hui
What a brilliant weekend! On the 25-26th May, 24 rangatahi from local secondary kura gathered at the Anchorage Hut in the Abel Tasman National Park (ATNP). The weekend hui was...