Featured Stories
Collaborative approach to Zero Waste leads to community learning.
In the Gisborne/ Tairāwhiti Region the Enviroschools team have been continuing to seek ways of shifting community practice around waste and a 2020 series of collaboratively run waste workshops has already reaped rewards. This story tells us about how this came about and the flow on effects of this holistic approach.
Collaborative Approach to Restoration of waterways and biodiversity in Te Tairāwhiti Communities Creates Local Curriculum.
The WaiRestoration programme is being implemented in Tairāwhiti in a way that aligns to local priorities and water management goals. It strengthens classroom learning and actions undertaken in Enviroschools and provides a range of practical learning opportunities for all those involved. Find out more about what has contributed to this success and built the foundations of a long-term commitment.
Actively Engaged Students Tap into Natural Abundance of Energy in Tairāwhiti
Inspired by the recent Enviroschools Energy! Roadshow, Tairāwhiti Enviroschools and Electric Village collaborated to bring an exciting Energy! workshop to local schools...
Rethinking Waste Through Mātauranga Māori
Tairāwhiti Enviroschools Facilitators Kauri Forno and Kirsty Gaddum tell us about a hui designed with mana whenua that wove traditional Mātauranga Māori with contemporary choices around waste. The day that eventuated on Titirangi maunga was place-based and linked to examples of traditional Māori living, gardening, and cooking.
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Catering for Caretakers in an Enviroschools Context
In Enviroschools, sustainability is integrated into the whole school by generating learning opportunities for everyone in the school community. In Tairāwhiti/Gisborne, caretakers from a number of Enviroschools came together at...
Signing up for a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world
Enviroschools facilitators delivered six new signs to early childhood education centres around Tairāwhiti this week. Tairāwhiti Enviroschools regional coordinator Charlotte Phelps said the signs were gifted to the centres to...
Workshop series sparks inspiration, aroha and healing
The value of collaboration and providing hands-on workshops was highlighted recently in Tairāwhiti where a week-long series was held to facilitate fun and effective learning in the local outdoor environment....
Tairāwhiti Early Childhood sector joins others to embrace Enviroschools
“I am inspired and motivated to start this journey,” was the feedback from one participant at a recent Enviroschools hui in Te Tairāwhiti. Te...
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Eastland Port
JN and HB Williams Foundation