Forest of ecological significance engages ākonga

Sherwood Forest is a 23ha floodplain forest remnant of ecological significance.

Murihiku Southland Enviroschool Hedgehope have made a long-term commitment to learning in about and for a local QE II covenanted forest remnant. The school is working with the support of the landowner and collaborating with number of local experts to learn about and contribute to this significant ecological taonga. This 23 ha area of rare ancient floodplain forest includes matai, ribbonwood and kōwhai trees and a range of threatened and at risk plant species. Students have on-going opportunities to learn about and be immersed in this local environment that is explicitly planned for.


You can read more about some of the learning and action that ākonga (along with their whānau and wider community) have undertaken in our Enviroschools story here.

Checking out an old bait station.

Watch the video below to hear from different people involved, talking about what this has meant to them.

If you are signed up to our network you can check out Hedgehope School’s Charter in the team area (Category: Care Codes and Strategic Planning).